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University education and placements hopes

Updated: Apr 20, 2021

2 years of University education and looking for a placement to further my education and learning through the workplace.

I am currently studying product design (BSC) at the University of Huddersfield and are two years into my studies. The next step is a placement into the industry to gain the experience and learn new skills to further my education. I have learnt numerous skills within the 2 years and are enjoying the process and gaining four 1st class within this time. I am currently looking for placements and creating this portfolio to introduce myself to the companies I have interest in. In the current time I have completed many assignments from natural environment briefs which more information can be found within the portfolio page under the natural environment project. This was a significant brief and I decided to develop the issue of mask wearing due to the current pandemic that we live in. I have also developed my skills in CAD and created an electrical folding bike for a project in second year with various other project such as ski goggles in Photoshop. I have also produced Technical reports on the final production and manufacturing of the bicycle.

Overall I hope that you enjoyed reading and taking the time to consider me . I look forward to further improving my skills within product design and learn about the industry.

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